“I’ll know the right song when I hear it”.
But will you actually get around to hearing it?

Dig It.
Songmine™ simplifies the song-search process for music and creative executives, whether for synch, A&R or any other purpose, by "mining" their music libraries and catalogs.

Forget Tagging, Search for Songs using Songs.
It's difficult to articulate what you’re searching for with words, and tagging methods can be subjective. That's why Songmine™ lets you find songs using reference songs.

Manage your Catalogue or Music Library.
All you have to do is establish what we call a “benchmark”: One song or up to fifteen reference songs that best define your brief.
Songmine™ uses a machine learning model to deeply understand the reference songs provided. It then prioritizes and ranks all the songs in the catalogue or music library you are searching by their likely relevancy to the defined benchmark, ensuring that you only hear the songs that are truly worth your while.